Below are listed three different ways to change the URL of an existing list or library. 1. With PowerShell Changing the URL is possible by moving the root folder to a new URL. Here is a PowerShell script to change the URL of an existing library: Add-PSSnapin Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell –erroraction SilentlyContinue $libOriginalUrl = "/Lists/YourLibName1" ; $libNewUrl = "/YourLibName2" ; $web = Get-SPWeb -Identity http://.... $lib = $web .GetList( $web .Url + $listOriginalUrl ) $rootFolder = $lib .RootFolder; $rootFolder .MoveTo( $web .Url + $libNewUrl ) 2. With SharePoint Designer Open the site in SharePoint Designer and in All Files in Site Objects right click the list and click “Rename” to rename it or drag and drop to move it to another folder. For example a list can be moved outside “/Lists” and the Url will change from “webUrl/Lists/List1″ to “webUrl/List1″. 3. With Windows Explor...