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Upgrading SharePoint 2010 projects to 2013

Converting multiple SharePoint 2010 projects to SharePoint 2013

Convertir los proyectos de SharePoint 2010 en proyectos de SharePoint 2013  (con el framework 4.5 y Visual Studio 2012)

Lanzar este script desde powershell, introduciendo la url del fichero de solución:

# Path containing SharePoint 2010 projects 
$path = "<Your Solution Folder Path>"

cd $path
$files = get-childitem -recurse -filter *.csproj

foreach ($file in $files)
    "Filename: {0}" -f $($file.Name)
    $proj = [xml](Get-Content $file.FullName)

    $ns = new-object Xml.XmlNamespaceManager $proj.NameTable
    $ns.AddNamespace("dns", "")
    $projectTypeGuids = $proj.SelectSingleNode("//dns:Project/dns:PropertyGroup/dns:ProjectTypeGuids", $ns)
 # Check to see if the project type is SharePoint 
 if ($projectTypeGuids."#text" -like "*BB1F664B-9266-4fd6-B973-E1E44974B511*")
  $targetOfficeVersion = $proj.SelectSingleNode("//dns:Project/dns:PropertyGroup/dns:TargetOfficeVersion", $ns)
  if($targetOfficeVersion -eq $null)
   # Create TargetOfficeVersion element if not exist
   $targetOfficeVersion = $proj.CreateElement("TargetOfficeVersion")
   $targetOfficeVersion = $proj.SelectSingleNode("//dns:Project/dns:PropertyGroup", $ns).AppendChild($targetOfficeVersion)

  # Change target office version
  $targetOfficeVersion.InnerText = "15.0"

  # Change target framework version
  $targetFrameworkVersion = $proj.SelectSingleNode("//dns:Project/dns:PropertyGroup/dns:TargetFrameworkVersion", $ns)
  $targetFrameworkVersion.InnerText = "v4.5"

      # Remove empty namespaces
  $proj = [xml] $proj.OuterXml.Replace(" xmlns=`"`"", "")

Después de esto ya podemos observar que todos los proyectos están configurados con el Framework 4.5.

OJO: Falta realizar las siguientes modificaciones:

  • Open your csproj in notepad.
  • Change the Target Framework Version from v3.5 to v4.5 <TargetFrameworkVersion>v4.5</TargetFrameworkVersion>
  • Set the Office Target Version to 15 by entering the following tag to the file below TargetFrameworkVersion tag. <TargetOfficeVersion>15.0</TargetOfficeVersion>
  • Update all referenced assemblies;
    • SharePoint assemblies from version to
    • .NET assemblies from 2.0 and 3.5 to 4.0 and 4.5
  •  Go to each file (eyeball and replace them one at a time):
  • Replace all in user controls and web parts to
  • Replace all version in Pagelayouts to Look specifically at:
    <%@Register TagPrefix=”SharePoint” Assembly=”Microsoft.SharePoint, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=71e9bce111e9429c” namespace=”Microsoft.SharePoint.WebControls”%>
  • Build the project to check for any compilation errors and re-adjust.
  • Update list definitions  to take advantage of the new view styles.
  • For all user control and delegate references:Change from:  ~/_controltemplates/..To: ~/_controltemplates/15/
  • Change all reference of /_layouts/ to /_layouts/15/
  • Go to the Package.Template.xml and add SharePointProductVersion=”15.0″
    <?xml version=”1.0″ encoding=”utf-8″?>
    <Solution xmlns=”; SharePointProductVersion=”15.0″>
  • Make sure that the elements in package.package SharePoint Product Version is set to 15.0

A partir de ahora ya disponemos de los proyectos que teníamos en Visual Studio 2010 listos para Implementar (deployar) en Visual Studio 2012 y nuentro flamante SharePoint 2013.
