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Showing posts from March, 2013

Enabling SVC MIME Type on a Windows Server 2008 machine

In IIS 7 Root Add MIME type: ".svc" "application/octet-stream" Run: %windir%\\framework\v3.0\WindowsCommunicationFoundation\servicemodelreg -i And Enable Windows Authentication in IIS7 for the Site. ****************************************************************** En el raiz del IIS7 añadir la siguiente entrada MIME: ".svc" "application/octet-stream" Ejecutar el siguiente comando en la consola corriendo como administrador: %windir%\\framework\v3.0\WindowsCommunicationFoundation\servicemodelreg -i Habilitar la autenticación windows en el IIS para la aplicación web.


If I have one gripe about SharePoint 2010, it’s scrolling. It’s something I’ve bumped into in every 2010 project I’ve worked on thus far (which has been a lot). First, I’ll explain the problem, and we’ll subsequently look at some potential solutions (which have their drawbacks) for this highly visible and hotly debated element of the SharePoint interface. First of all, I’d like to say that as a designer, there are a few things that you simply don’t touch. The interface of the browser window is really quite simple: an address bar, navigation buttons (back and forward), refresh, stop, and a big area where users can read, click, and scroll. This is the very essence of the web, and it’s something that, as a designer, you simply don’t undermine.  Ever . As I’m browsing a website, I expect these fundamental elements of the browser to function at all times. It drives me crazy if suddenly I decide to use the “Back” button and get an error message, as if I have done something “wrong” ...


SharePoint 2010 makes it incredibly easy to add dialog content to your website. Built-in functionality allows you to retrieve content from anywhere within your site and display it in a modal dialog that appears over the page. This is pretty standard stuff when it comes to modern web technology, but the ease of use is what makes SharePoint dialogs so amazing. In this article, we’ll explore the dialog functionality that comes with the SharePoint 2010 platform, and we’ll discover new ways to customize that content to create a uniquely fresh appearance for your SharePoint portal. Dialogs in SharePoint 2010 Even if you have chosen not to acknowledge dialogs in SharePoint 2010 just yet, they’re already being used throughout the SharePoint platform for things like pages, lists, and libraries. Every time you create a new page, for instance, you’ll see a dialog that appears on the page. It most likely looks something like this: You’ll see similar dialogs when you create and edit list it...

Migrando sites de SharePoint 2007 a SharePoint 2010

Debido a la gran acogida que ha tenido la nueva versión de SharePoint "SharePoint 2010", muchas empresas han decido adquirir esta plataforma de soluciones, mientras que muchas otras que ya venían trabajando con la versión 2007 han decidio ir migrando progresivamente sus soluciones con la finalidad de poder aprovechar las nuevas y variadas ventajas que ofrece la última versión. Existen 2 formas de migrar la plataforma MOSS 2007 hacia SP 2010: In-Place Upgrade y Database Attach Upgrade. La mas ordenada y recomendada por mí es el procedimiento de Database Attach Upgrade que consiste en los siguientes pasos: 1. Implementar una nueva granja de servidores de SharePoint 2010 (Previo dimensionamiento). 2. Realizar un inventario de las soluciones implementadas sobre MOSS 2007 y limpiar los sitios y contenido que "basura". 3. Ejecutar un backup de Base de datos de el/los site collection(s) que deseemos migrar. 4. Restaurar el backup en la nueva granja. 5. Ejec...

Migrating a SharePoint 2007 Blog to 2010

First of all, let’s understand the outline of what needed to be accomplished: Some of you may already know that we host the blog site for Joel Oleson at Rackspace.  Well Joel was going to be giving a talk at the recent SharePoint Conference on the new world of SharePoint administration in SharePoint 2010.   As part of that talk he (and Mike Watson) were going to touch on migrating sites from SharePoint 2007 to 2010.  So we came up with this idea that we should migrate  his current site  live to one running on  SharePoint 2010 .  This post talks about that migration and some of the things that I needed to do in order to perform this migration. Acquire another server Install SharePoint 2010 Perform a “preupgradecheck” on the old server Install any prerequisites on the new server Migrate the Content DB Apply the new look and feel Apply Joel’s theme Sure seems simple enough, right?  In the end it wasn’t all that hard – but t...

Migrate a SharePoint 2007 Site to SharePoint 2010 Using Database Attach

Change is never easy! Whether it's going to college, getting married, or just getting the new, cool haircut you've always wanted, there will be something that you'll miss not having (freedom of the single life, anyone?). Moving to SharePoint 2010 is no exception. Although upgrading is rewarding, with improvements in many areas, you will still need the precious content that exists in your current SharePoint 2007 environment. In this article, I'll demonstrate how to  migrate a site to SharePoint 2010 using the database attach method . Challenge: How can I migrate just the site/site collection I want from SharePoint 2007 to SharePoint 2010? Moving the entire farm to SharePoint 2010 could take a lot of time, bordering on seeming like forever. Sometimes, however, we just want to get the contents of a specific site/site collection up and running on the new platform as soon as possible. Solutions: Using the database attach method, we can...

SharePoint 2010 Warmup server script

Here’s a nice script you can run/schedule on your SharePoint server to cache up the pages in SharePoint: Edit the startup.bat file and add your ServerName in the “Call WarmUpServer ServerName” section: Then edit the WarmUpServer.cmd file and add your URL’s to the “Call :HitPage URL” section. This refreshes your SharePoint pages!

Cambiar rutas de logs de SharePoint 2010

En la administración central >> Supervisión >> Configurar registro de diagnóstico Y aqui aparece la ruta:

Links de SharePoint 2010 en popup

En Popup: div style="text-align: right"><a class="ms-addnew" id="idHomePageNewItem" onclick="javascript:NewItem2(event, &quot;/_layouts/Upload.aspx?List={7C6D160F-55F3-4D68-BDE7-0F7F6E2ECD29}&amp;RootFolder=&quot;);javascript:return false;" href="/_layouts/Upload.aspx?List={335D33F5-6807-4679-835A-A0E9D4DFD024}&amp;RootFolder=" target="_self">Añadir un nuevo banner destacado</a></div> En ventanta completa <div style="text-align: right"><a href="/_layouts/Upload.aspx?List={7C6D160F-55F3-4D68-BDE7-0F7F6E2ECD29}&amp;RootFolder=">Añadir un nuevo banner destacado</a></div>

Configuración sitios personales

http://[URL Administración Central]/_layouts/PersonalSites.aspx?ApplicationID=591e65ed%2D7922%2D433e%2D8095%2D595830c74952 Sustituir el guid por el del enlace roto, (aparece en la barra inferior del navegador) Creación y configuración de Mi Sitio (MySite) en SharePoint 2010 SharePoint 2010 nos proporciona un servicio de sitios personales (los famosos MySite) muy potente, que nos permitirá convertir nuestra intranet en un verdadero "Facebook empresarial". Los sitios personales de SharePoint 2010 permiten multitud de características sociales tales como la visualización de compañeros, gente en común, organigramas empresariales, comentarios, etiquetado de contenido... y muchas otras posibilidades. Veamos qué pasos debemos seguir para configurar "Mi Sitio" o "MySite" Crear la aplicación Lo primero que debemos hacer es crear una aplicación SharePoint que albergue los MySite. En la Adminsitración Central iremos a Adminsitración de aplicaciones -...

Acceso denegado al crear una aplicacion web en SharePoint Foundation 2010

Acceso denegado al crear una  aplicación  web en SharePoint Foundation 2010. Desde el mismo servidor al crear un nuevo "web application" con un encabezado host (o sea distinto al puerto 80) no te permite acceder; la solución es la siguiente: Para solventar este problema podemos desactivar el loopback check, esto lo podemos realizar a traves del registro de windows: 1.Click Start, click Run, type regedit, and then click OK. 2.In Registry Editor, locate and then click the following registry key: 3.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa 4.Right-click Lsa, point to New, and then click DWORD Value. 5.Type DisableLoopbackCheck, and then press ENTER. 6.Right-click DisableLoopbackCheck, and then click Modify. 7.In the Value data box, type 1, and then click OK. 8.Quit Registry Editor, and then restart your computer. (al crear el valor DWORD sea en modo 32 bit.) OJO : Este cambio no debería hacerse en entornos de producción