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Showing posts from August, 2018

Instalar y configurar Entidad de Certificación CA en Windows Server

Para poder utilizar  Windows Azure Backup  necesitamos una entidad certificadora para emitir certificados que identificará nuestros servidores registrados en nuestra cuenta de Windows Azure, creo que este paso está un poco de mas porque en una empresa por mucho que sea pequeña debe tener ya disponible esta entidad certificadora, pero si no la tienen pues aquí les dejo este proceso de instalación de los  servicios de certificados de Active Directory . Como les comentaba, para poder emitir este certificado que necesitamos para subir a  Windows Azure  lo podemos obtener de dos formas, la primera y mas fácil que veo es que utilicemos nuestra entidad certificadora que ya disponemos, y la segunda es utilizar la herramienta  MakeCert.exe  con la cual podemos emitir certificados X.509 a manera de prueba. En el proceso veremos la instalación y configuración de ADCS en Windows Server 2012, pero si nuestra entidad se encuentra en otra versión de Windows no...

Can we help you in SharePoint

Hi Friend, We can give you support with: Artifacts design, Develop design, Architect design and Branding design. Artefacts design To download our artifacts visit: if you some missing, we develop it for you . Develop Design Discovery Getting to know your business, understanding your goals, assessing your competion. The essential strategic 1st step. Definition Creating the blueprint for success: mapping your site, laying it out in wireframes, and generating a keyword bank. Design Crafting the user esperience. The visual design blooms from the templates you choose. Development Brinding the design to life. Content and programming transform your template into a finished, manageable website. Deployment Introducing your site to the world. After quality assurance your site is submitted to search engines and is officially live!. Onsite SEO Perfecting your web pages for your inbound marketing is a must for opt...

How to Limit NodeRunner.exe High Memory

Step 1: Reduce the CPU impact of the search service By default SharePoint search uses "maximum" to speed up its search crawling process. To reduce the CPU usage of the search service, run this PowerShell script from any one of your SharePoint 2013 server: 1 Set -SPEnterpriseSearchService -PerformanceLevel Reduced     setting it to reduced is the correct way go about it: on dev machine: Set-SPEnterpriseSearchService -PerformanceLevel Reduced restart sharepoint search service on production if hardware is tight than use PartlyReduced Set-SPEnterpriseSearchService -PerformanceLevel PartlyReduced restart sharepoint search service on a live server where the search service is over serveral servers within a farm with 4 cores each with atleast 8gb ram: leave it as it is: Set-SPEnterpriseSearchService -PerformanceLevel Maximum restart sharepoint search service   This sets Search Service Application crawl component to use less number of th...