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Showing posts from March, 2015

SharePoint 2013 - SHARE - Only a limited set of people are allowed to share this content

In SharePoint 2013 on-premises, there is a confusing user experience with the ability to “share” documents for visitors and members unless you have set up outgoing e-mail on your farm and enabled access requests for your site. While the Share option is not available in the document ribbon for visitors and members, it is visible from the list item dialog as shown in Figure 12-13. Clicking the Share option in this scenario without access requests and e-mail enabled returns an error message: “Sorry, something went wrong. Only a limited set of people are allowed to share this content.” This is actually by design, though the error message is a little confusing. Nothing really went wrong; the user just doesn’t have permission to share a document if the site doesn’t have “Allow access requests” turned on . This capability is enabled in Site Settings > Site permissions, and when enabled, it allows visitors and members to initiate an internal document-sharing request that goe...

SharePoint 2013 Añadir todos los recursos a un calendario por defecto.

Esto solo funciona si SOLO hay un calendario en la página, para varios hay que jugar con el id del calendario. Con el fiddler hay que recuperar la variable ret de la última devolución del picker, para ello hay que situarse en la sección de response, decodificar el texto y recuperar el texto en la pestaña textview. //Ocultar Añadir recursos <style> .ms-acal-entity div { display:none; } </style> //Que aparezcan todos los recursos disponibles  -- OJO con las comillas -- <script type="text/javascript" src="http://intranet/Reserva/SiteAssets/jquery-2.0.3.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> function _setDefaultResources() {       var el = $(".ms-acal-rootdiv"); var xml = "\u003cEntities Append=\u0022True\u0022 Error=\u0022\u0022 DoEncodeErrorMessage=\u0022True\u0022 Separator=\u0022;\u0022 MaxHeight=\u00223\u0022\u003e\u003cEntity Key=\u0022Altaveus\u0022 DisplayText=\u0022Altaveu...