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Showing posts from July, 2013
1.- En el Raiz del servidor de IIS, acceder a los Tipos MIME Añadir la siguiente entrada, pulsando sobre Agregar… .svc application/octet-stream Pulsar Aceptar. 2.- Abrir una consola de Windows como administrador y ejecutar el siguiente comando: %windir%\\framework\v3.0\Windows Communication Foundation\servicemodelreg -i 3.- Habilitar la autenticación windows en el IIS para la aplicación web. Acceder al apartado de autenticación: Con el botón derecho sobre Autenticación de Windows. Pulsar sobre habilitar. 4.- Probar el servicio: Al acceder al servicio web, debe aparecer la siguiente ventana de resultado.

implementing SharePoint Server 2010 User Profile Synchronization

Introduction There's a ton of stuff out there on User Profile Sync in SharePoint Server 2010. Some of it’s good, some of it’s frankly terrible. TechNet has some of the best material, but unfortunately TechNet’s format restrictions are counter-intuitive. Therefore this article presents an end to end, “rational guide” to setting this up. [UPDATE: 01/10/2010] TechNet has recently updated its Configure profile synchronization (SharePoint Server 2010) topic, which is greatly improved and now a first class resource. I urge you to check this out. There are a couple of contentious setup requirements in here. I may discuss those in more depth later. For now, the following steps are required . Don’t try and work around them, UPS will break. The following is the least privilege you can get away with. You should really read the Architecture Overview below to become acquainted with the moving parts involved, but if you are impatient, you can skip to the procedure itsel...

Read and Write Open XML Files (Excel, PowerPoint, ...)

Introduction [ Back To Top ] With Office 2007, Microsoft decided to change the default application formats from old, proprietary, closed formats (DOC, XLS, PPT) to new, open and standardized XML formats (DOCX, XLSX and PPTX).  New formats share some similarities with old Office XML formats (WordML, SpreadsheetML) and some similarities with competing OpenDocument formats, but there are many differences.  Since new formats will be the default in Office 2007 and Microsoft Office is the most predominant office suite, these formats are destined to be popular and you will probably have to deal with them sooner or later. This article will explain the basics of Open XML file format and specifically XLSX format, the new format for Excel 2007.  Presented is a demo application which writes/reads tabular data to/from XLSX files.  The application is written in C# using Visual Studio 2005.  Created XLSX files can be opened using Exc...

InteropServices.COMException (0x800A03EC): Microsoft Office Excel cannot access the file

I've been working on a problem for the past half a day with the MS Office 2007 PIA.  The issue is with MS Office automation on Windows Server 2008 (x64).  This statement fails:                 wb = (Excel._Workbook)(books.Open(_sourceFilename, 0, true, missing, missing,                                                  missing, true, missing, missing, missing, missing,                                                  missing, missing, missing, missing)); with error: System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x800A03EC): Microsoft Office Excel cannot access the file ''. There are several possible reasons: • The file name or path does not exist. • The file is being used b...