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SharePoint REST API URL for accessing List items,documents,assign permission in list, document libraries, Search and user profile property

  List related RES API To get all List items https:// {site Url}/_api/web/lists/getbytitle(‘Employee Leave Requests’)/items To get Item by ID https:// {site Url}/_api/web/lists/getbytitle(‘Employee Leave Requests’)/items(1) To filter using a column https:// {site Url}/_api/web/lists/getbytitle(‘Employee Leave Requests’)/items(1)?$filter=Title eq ‘sample’ To filter using multiple column https:// {site Url}/_api/web/lists/getbytitle(‘Employee Leave Requests’)/items(1)?$filter=(Title eq ‘sample’)  and (Name eq ‘sivam’) To Filter using date column https:// {site Url}/_api/web/lists/getbytitle(‘Employee Leave Requests’)/items(1)?$filter= (Created ge ‘6/7/2016’) and (Created le ‘6/7/2016’) To filter using date and time, datetime should be iso formatted https:// {site Url}/_api/web/lists/getbytitle(‘Employee Leave Requests’)/items(1)?$filter= (Created ge datetime’2016-06-08T07:00:00Z’) and (Created le datetime’2016-06-08T18:29:00Z’) Breaking role inheritance (HTTP POST) https:// {sit...

How to manage permissions on a SharePoint List Item using Microsoft Flow – Add Contribute permission

  This post describes how to add contribute permission for a selected user id to a single item in a list using Microsoft Flow. The flow uses the REST API calls to change the permissions. The walk through uses a custom list with one columns added, Requester which is a Person column. In  Part 1  of this series we broke the inheritance on an item when is was created with our 5 step flow, which created a few variables and then used a HTTP Request to SharePoint using REST API to break the inheritance. Using the above flow as a starting point we will continue. Before we can give a permission level to a person we need to know their Id on this tenancy. This can be fetched using another HTTP Request using REST. The syntax for this is _api/web/SiteUsers/getByEmail('') So using the Requester property of email address we update the URI-String variable and use it in with a GET method in the HTTP request.   FREE DOWNLOAD:  33 TIME-SAVING TIPS FOR MICROSOFT TEA...

Set list item-level permissions in SharePoint using Flow

  I recently came across a scenario where a client requested that when employees submit a certain HR application form (which in fact was a SharePoint Online list), the permissions needed to be removed and set in such a way that only a specific group had access to it for review and administration purposes. In other words: we had to break the default permission inheritance and set up unique permissions on list item-level. We decided to use Microsoft Flow to automate this task, see the result in the screenshot below. It mainly uses HTTP requests to the SharePoint REST API. I’m going to walk you through it so you can build and use it yourself.   Build the Flow Go to  and log in with your Office 365 account. In this example we start with a blank canvas and build the Flow ourselves. Therefore, click the +New button and select “Automated – from blank”.   Step 1 Provide a name and select what will trigger (or start) the Flow. In our case thi...

Update SPFx projects to 1.9.1

The SharePoint team has released a new version of SPFx (SharePoint Framework Released 1.9.1) The changes alredy mentioned here: General Availability of Library components Tooling move from WebPack 3 to WebPack 4 Graph API and 3rd party API polishing for Microsoft Teams, mobile and desktop clients Isolated web part model supported in Teams Teams Integration Improvements The process of upgraded is mentioned here. Is important to get the last version of Office 365 CLI, execute the next command: npm install -g @pnp/office365-cli@latest Then, go to your project directory. o365 spfx project upgrade --output md > Navigate to the report, and copy the commands are mentioned. Execute the commands are previously copied. Keep calm please!! your project is updating. Look at the file  package.json  on your project to saw what dependencies are updated. Now, the final test…. please let it work!! Come on….. really? so, what happend with ...